Resumes, CVs and other Bragging Rights
Do you have more than 12 years of experience? Are you looking for a position that begins with Chief, Executive, Senior VP/ VP, Senior Director, or Head Honcho? Do you have initials MD, JD, or Ph.D. following your name? Are you a Pulitzer Prize winner or have you published scientific findings, medical breakthroughs, or the Great American Novel? If any of these (or similar) qualities apply to you, you are likely looking for an Executive resume or curriculum vitae (CV).
Prices range $350-$500
Ask about LinkedIn Profiles
Do you dream of the corner office or parking space with your name? Do you have people above and below you in the org chart? Are you the subject matter expert in your department? Is your title Director/ Assistant Director, Senior Manager/ Manager, or Assistant in charge of everything? Do you have 5-12 years of experience in your field and you’re looking for your next promotion? If any of these (or similar) qualities apply to you, you are likely looking for a VIP resume.
Prices range $200-$350
Ask about LinkedIn Profiles
Are you looking for your big breakthrough? Are you reporting to someone else and no one is reporting to you? Are you in your first (or second) supervisory role? Do the titles Specialist, Coordinator, Assistant, Lead, or Tech resonate with you? Are you early in your career (1-5 years)? Have you recently graduated college and you are looking for your first big girl/big boy job? If any of these (or similar) qualities apply to you, you are likely looking for a Workhorse resume.
Prices range $100-$150
Ask about LinkedIn Profiles